Brian Reshefsky - CEO
Super Bowl LVIII is on the books. Whether you were among the 123 million like me who watched the game or the other half of the country who didn’t, you’re probably familiar with the adage “defense wins championships.” Seeing the Chiefs and 49ers go back and forth got me thinking about the legacy consumer risk paradigm where you’re only assessed on your equivalent of defense – how successfully you’ve kept creditors at bay, as reported on traditional credit reports based on historical tradelines.
However, as a borrower you spend most of your time on offense, moving the sticks as you earn a living then save and build assets. Creditors don’t ignore these datapoints – after all, metrics like debt to income ratio are critical in assessing a consumer’s ability to repay. Few lenders have automated this important area of credit risk assessment (though lenders who have automated these datapoints in their real-time risk assessment see meaningful uplift in portfolio performance).
Instead, most lenders today either automatically approve applications that pass other real-time tests (like a bureau score and fraud risk screens) or they push the application to manual review and require paystubs as a condition to approval.
More sophisticated digital lenders are already leveraging open banking data to verify income in real-time, streamlining approvals for higher conversions and fewer drop-offs. Fewer are utilizing balance behaviors and consumer spending habits to go beyond ability to pay for risk insights not seen in any other dataset – and arguably the most predictive alternative data available.
There’s tremendous power to combining the defensive insights from credit reports and scores with open banking data that reveals consumers’ ability to “score points” in keeping with the metaphor. Very different risk profiles from a credit report emerge when you systematically separate applicants who are responsibly spending and saving versus those who live paycheck to paycheck.
Smarter people than myself call the two datasets – bureau data and transaction data – orthogonal, simply meaning they’re uncorrelated and originate from different, unrelated activities. Let’s explore why you’ll win more frequently and by wider margins if you can bring a complete game to your credit decisions if you leverage what’s available to you on both sides of the field.
Why: The Case for Completeness
There are three overarching reasons why every risk decision should include transaction data that’s available in the open banking ecosystem:
Simply put, most risk decisions will be better informed with better outcomes for lenders and consumers alike when you bring to bear the full offensive and defensive tools at your disposal. The orthogonal bureau and banking activity datasets don’t just seem complementary from an anecdotal standpoint – as I’ll share in the next section, the benefit is readily quantifiable.
How: Layering Insights
If you’ve been in the consumer lending business for more than a few years then you’ve weathered more than your share of ups and downs between pandemic, recession, stimulus, inflation, rate uncertainty, and more. Your credit policy has no doubt evolved, and you’re not about to start over with open banking data.
Instead, we typically see lenders have the most success when you layer rules related to banking activity insights on top of your existing credit box. In effect, you’re taking a second look (in real-time) at some portion of the “tails” that appear from a legacy policy standpoint to have the most and least risk.
The overlay of banking activity insights invariably reveals applicants in both tails who present very different risk profiles for all the above reasons (and more). This enhanced good versus bad risk separation then allows lenders to more accurately rank order risk and, in turn, to “swap in” good risk surfaced with the new insights and “swap out” applicants with inflated bureau scores.
Take this example of a highly regarded digital lender whose overlay of open banking insights onto its legacy approach enabled separation with roughly 2x precision:
For the best 20% of applicants, open banking insights reduced defaults by over one-third – from 9% down to 6% – for the best fifth of applicants in this portfolio. Turning to the worst 20% resulted in similar uplift with over one-quarter more defaults – from 22% up to 27% – in a risk band most lenders aren’t likely to underwrite, freeing up capital to instead approve more applicants with favorable risk profiles.
Naturally, the composition and risk guardrails vary across every applicant pool and resulting portfolio. The important first step is to lace up your cleats, hit the field, and log enough gametime with this alternative data to test, learn, and refine where cutoffs make sense to auto-approve and auto-deny.
What: Get in Your Draft Picks
I’ve seen a number of entrants (and some exits) in this space as I approach my fourth year of selling and delivering risk insights from banking activity data. My perspective from the playing field is that there are several important considerations that make for a strong offense and ensure you’re set up for success with open banking insights:
If any of this resonates with you, drop a line today and let’s see how we can strengthen your offense or at least start fielding teams on both sides of the field so we can set you up for long-term success with open banking data and risk insights!